Living Faith Lancaster

Sunday Gatherings


Tuesday Nov 14, 2017

This month at Living Faith, we have asked members of our church family to share their witness of God's presence in their lives, helping us see the attributes of God that each of us may not have seen as closely in our individual lives.
Steve Lowery opened week 2 sharing his story of seeking contentment at work and only finding frustration until God provided the peace he was seeking. Melissa Lewis shared how she has learned to watch for the story God is creating in her life, and how God romanced her heart to come to him.

Monday Nov 13, 2017

This month at Living Faith, we have asked members of our church family to share their witness of God's presence in their lives, helping us see the attributes of God that each of us may not have seen as closely in our individual lives.
Luke Redcay opens our series by speaking of the Creator, and the wonder of all that surrounds us in His creation. Jana closes our first week by sharing her testimony of God the Provider and how he has met her financial needs over her spiritual walk, including during her time as a missionary in Guatemala.

Thursday Aug 03, 2017

In this message, Justin explores the witness of God's presence in Stephen's story found in Acts 7.

Sunday Jul 09, 2017

This week Nick talks about God's provision, continuing our study of Stephen as found in Acts 7.

Sunday Jul 09, 2017

Pastor Nick continues the character study of Stephen in Acts 7, focusing this week on God's promises.

Sunday Jul 09, 2017

Pastor Nick begins a series character study of Stephen the Martyr, as told in Acts Chapter 7. In Part 1, we acknowledge that following Christ can lead us to places of danger and uncertainty.

Sunday Jul 09, 2017

Colleen shares some thoughts about living our lives in generosity, as highlighted in the scriptures in Luke 7:36-50.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017

The prophets Elijah and Elisha popped up throughout the stories of the Kings in 1 & 2 Kings. Justin took on the part of Elisha in this presentation, sharing stories of their combined 78 years  of ministry as Prophets of the Lord to the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
To find the stories told here, turn to 1 Kings 18-19, and 2 Kings 2, 4-6.
The Old Testament Scriptures "Elisha" references in this recording are:
Psalm 20, 53, 57:4,6, 103:20-22, 143:4-5
Genesis 12:1, 22, 50:20
Ecclesiastes 3:4a,5b,17
2 Samuel 1:26
Proverbs 15:25, 19:3, 25:21-22

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017

Listen as Pastor Nick imagines a future dependent on the Holy Spirit's leading. Can we say as Peter said to the homeless man,“Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” -Acts 3:6

Wednesday May 10, 2017

Don Price examines the impossibility of living the Christian life without His Spirit.

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